View single post by SBD
 Posted: Tue Jun 17th, 2008 12:50 am
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Joined: Sat Mar 1st, 2008
Location: SnoTown, Washington USA
Posts: 407
I am all for a 44mm x 15mm case.

While I am a huge fan of the Oceantimer, I think I'd love it even more if it had just a couple more mm of dial.  I also think the bezel would be much easier to grip if it were a bit taller.  Throw in an auto movement and I'm in WIS heaven!

BTW, if there's a set of hands on a watch that makes the hour and minute hands more obviously different, I haven't seen them.  I don't mean to suggest that this is a design you should stick with -- I'm just noting that I see the Oceantimer's hands as the most successful design aspect of the O'timer (IMHO).

Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion!