View single post by RandyG
 Posted: Mon Oct 10th, 2005 08:14 pm
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Joined: Thu Sep 8th, 2005
Posts: 505

KenC wrote:
Probably was an error, but with their despicable reputation for being less than honest and previously ethically challenged business practices, it is only natural to think it was simply another morally bankrupt attempt to screw the public.

RandyG wrote:
I was looking around that site yesterday and every item I picked took me to that Club membership ad. How many people are dumb enough to pay more money to buy something and then I noticed they try and get you again with the protection plan. Who is running things over there, Al Capone?

Or Ology wrote:
Yes, it was an error. It seemed like a shady business practice for a while there, but there is no way in hell they would ever try to get away with something like that in public.