View single post by Tony Duronio
 Posted: Wed Nov 25th, 2009 01:01 pm
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Tony Duronio

Joined: Thu Sep 29th, 2005
Location: Clinton Twp, Michigan USA
Posts: 12862
joecb wrote: Today while working, I am listening to Fox News Channel, and a top story is about three seals being charged; one for assault and two for deriliction of duty.


It seems the terrorist who was responsible for the murder of three contractors from  Black Water, which after be-heading them, hung their bodies from a bridge in Faluja, was captured in September, by the seal team.


Well somewhere between his capture and being turned over to the Iraqi's, the terrorist is claiming one of the seals hit him in the mouth causing a "Fat Lip".


This resulted in the above charges. No real evidence available other than this bag of sh..t's claim.

Is this unbelievable or what?  It's not like they tortured this guy, or kicked him in the scrot.. over and over again...(which would be fine by me) he claims he was "slapped and his lip puffed up"


Now we believe terrorists claims without any proof over our own people...


Are you frigging kidding me? I am so pissed over this ....sorry for the rant.mistake.gif

coyote2.gif friggin crazy what we are seeing now a daysmistake.gif