View single post by mylady2u
 Posted: Tue Dec 8th, 2009 06:52 pm
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Joined: Tue Mar 10th, 2009
Location: Clarksville, Tennessee USA
Posts: 34

Kudos to you for this thread, it's quite satisfying to finally have proof about this POS. I can personally atest to the fact that he is in no way disabled (unless you count the daily drug intake of course). As to his story of having a MA in Music Theory...well just as bogus as the rest of his grand experience...not even listed as an alumni (even though it was explained that because he went on the GI Bill this was why his school records were not available), well just so happens I have family that works for U of M (where he supposedly graduated with honors) and hmmmm no records of him ever even enrolling let alone graduating that could be found. Isn't that a surprize  crap.gif

I'm am surprised that because he was so proud of his James Bond 007 edition watch that he did not claim to be some sort of undercover or spy as well subtlelaugh.gif

The only credit that I can offer for the jerk, is that he did spark my interest in watches and introduced me to the forums, and to be very very cautious of online dating! thankyou.gif