View single post by nrg
 Posted: Sun Oct 16th, 2005 03:44 pm
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Joined: Mon Sep 5th, 2005
Location: Iowa USA
Posts: 1115
Since being obtuse isn't a crime we'll let it slide on your account. It's not a matter of whether or not he has personally stolen or attempted to con any of us out of money or goods. I think the fact that he is a public figure trying to "sell"(I use the term very loosely) watches to the general public and using these forums to undermine and wage his dishonesty on the rest of us is reason enough for this exposition. I'm assuming by your post that you think it's ok for someone like JS to have done these things to many people and not be held accountable. There is no witch hunt or conspriracy, just people getting to the bottom of something rotten. 

Or Ology wrote:
So was anyone on this forum burned (pun not intended) by that person from his cigar days? If not, I'm not sure how that situation--about which we don't know veracity--has any bearing on our discussion of collecting watches. Is the idea just to discredit him as someone who could reputably dispense collectible watches?

In other words, is this a tit-for-tat, witch hunt situation that is all about personal vendettas? Or is this considered a real watch discussion? I come to watch forums to, you know, discuss watches. I don't come here to discuss people's impressions of show hosts, personal beefs, political beliefs, stances on abortion or capital punishment, or anything else of that nature. If I'm in the minority, let me know.


P.S. I am not related to or a personal friend of said person. I am a member of WUS, IT, 3T, and other watch forums.