View single post by Hammerfjord
 Posted: Wed Jul 7th, 2010 02:16 pm
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Joined: Thu Apr 16th, 2009
Location: Arctic, Norway
Posts: 5821
If the original screw is 2mm and the new one is 1.5mm: There is 0.5mm/2= 0.25mm difference between the screw and the case with the new one...
0.25mm is very little in fact and if the nato fits with the 1.5mm, it should still fit with the 2mm screw: Even without screwing it out.... I guess that it's just to wet it a bit and hop!
I have some watch who have even less tolerance than that in fact: Take the GV2 Gevril huge square sub: The gap there, is tiny like an ant butt...
2 mm is in fact a beast of screw: You will loose your hand before it crack off!
Anyway: 1.5mm screw is way enough for perfect tool-watch strengh. Nice that both will be delivered