View single post by RichardWilkinsIII
 Posted: Mon Oct 24th, 2005 09:43 pm
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Joined: Tue Sep 13th, 2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 197
I wish!  I gotta empty my pockets just like everyone else.  As far as first pick?  I wait for a while so as not to take a watch out of a potential customers hands.  Working in this industry hasn't killed my appetite for watches. In fact, it kind of makes it worse.  Remember the old saying, "If you do something you love, you never work a day in your life".  I'm lucky,  I get to work with my friend, and talk about watches all day long!



RandyG wrote:
Won't Rick just give you some of his watches? LOL Really, do you get first pick of what comes in? I have thought about getting into that business when I retire from my present business. I just don't know if it would be as enjoyable of a hobby if I did. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I know some dealers that get pretty excited when discussing watches and collecting even when dicussing watches they don't sell.

RichardWilkinsIII wrote:
Yeah, I'm going to need to get a part-time job to support my full-time job!!