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Welcome to 3T! Please take the time to register and join in on the friendly,knowledgeable watch talk.Please note that not all registrations will receive an immediate activation e-mail.Those who do not receive an immediate notification will be activated manually within 48hrs. by an admin. without an e-mail activation url sent to you,you may then sign in using your username and password,if you feel there is a problem please e-mail us at timetechtalk@hotmail.com and include your name and username and we activate your account.Thank You!

Username: *
This will be your username across the board. It cannot be changed later.
E-mail: *
A confirmation message that contains a special URL that you need to click in order to activate your account will be sent to the e-mail address you provided.
Password: *
Retype password: *
Type the code shown: *
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You must be 13 years of age or older to register in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
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