View single post by murphy j
 Posted: Wed Nov 25th, 2009 08:52 pm
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murphy j

Joined: Thu Oct 11th, 2007
Location: Home Again With My Loving Family
Posts: 1613
I read about this at another forum and it doesn't surprise me in the current political climate of Iraq. The 3 SEALs in question were offered non-judicial punishment, but declined in favor of a court martial. Also, the Iraqi terrorist didn't complain until he was in Iraqi custody so I think he's playing the system. I've seen Iraqi military and police treat people in their custody in a manner that I would've gone to jail for. And these weren't things I would consider extreme. There's a HUGE disparity between how we treat prisoners and how they do. This whole episode should never have gone this far. The government shackles the military way too much anymore and this is the kind of thing that comes from it. Besides, I could care less if he had a fat lip. The fact that he's still breathing and has nothing worse than a fat lip is a true testament to the SEALs Professionalism.