View single post by mousikorygxos
 Posted: Tue Jun 8th, 2010 02:52 pm
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Joined: Tue Dec 22nd, 2009
Location: Alexandroupoli, Greece
Posts: 69
murphy j wrote: Do you ever notice how life has a way of taking over? I have. As many of you know, I'm married and have a little boy. I also work full time as an Electrician and serve part-time in the Army National Guard. All these things have kept me relatively engaged and busy the last couple years since returning from Iraq. But i've noticed over the last several months that these thing have been taking up more and more of my personal time. Especially my little boy. He's growing like a weed and showing more intelligence by the day. He celebrated his second birthday today and I'm really starting to notice how as he's getting older, we are constantly working around being engaged with him to get things done like cook dinner, do laundry, take a shower and clean house. And now with my wife working 3+ days a week and even bringing work home sometimes, well.... it leaves little time for us. Either alone or together. I bring all this up because I've enjoyed the warm and friendly support of you all over the last 2-3yrs and have made many friends here and I'm sure I'll make many more. I just want everybody to know that I'm still around and haven't forgotten this place. I just have so very little time to log in and participate. I don't foresee it getting better anytime soon as we are starting to gear up for another deployment at the end of the year. Afghanistan this time. I'll keep in touch as best I can. Cheers....... Jeffrey.Yάsou my friend.
I have two little girls (7 and 6) and can easily understand what time means when kids are involved.  A childhood friend of mine has served a six month duty in Afganistan. When he came back he showed me hundreds of photos. They weren't pretty. Our troops there have a supporting role. Engineering and medical support. I have some questions regarding your going there. Do citizens in the US have to join the National Guard? In Greece all men have to do their millitary service but only professionals are sent to missions abroad.
My thoughts will be with you and your family, my friend.
From Alexandroupoli, Greece

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