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DIEVAS Maya  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Sat Nov 23rd, 2013 05:50 am
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13th Post

Joined: Mon Nov 19th, 2007
Posts: 274
Hi guys,
How is everyone? Seems like a while ago since I’ve logged on here. However I do check the forum very often and I appreciate all the good things said about our brand and keep all the objective criticisms in mind especially when developing new models. So keep the comments coming good or bad.

Regarding the DIEVAS MAYA, like all our watches since the first tactical vortex model . It is MADE IN Germany. Our designer left out the ‘MIG’ designation on the dial purely as a design choice. Theres a large font MADE IN GERMANY engraved on the caseback. The case is CNC (not stamped) in Germany , dial is from Germany, hands and movement is from Switzerland. Leather strap is made in Italy. Our 6steel is done in Germany with a very large metallurgy company. (Not kolsterising)..

Gnomonwatches herself does not have any input in the manufacturing of the watch. Her role is to distribute and provide swift after sales service for our watches. Gnomonwatches is not only a well established watch sales company on the WWW world but has penetration into retail stores across Asia, particularly in South Asia. They have full servicing facility and hires Swiss (WOSTEP) trained watchmakers. 2 of them have combined 30 years working with Rolex servicing.

Why do we need retail stores? Because to manufacture a watch in Germany, with real Germany/Swiss parts, cost is high, about 4-5 times more, than to do a watch in china/hongkong. Swiss ETA movements alone, has gone up 300% in the last 2 years and 500% if compared to 7yrs ago. Cost is high = RRP is high. Customers need to touch and feel the quality of the watch in their hand before they commit on a more expensive watch.

How to make our watches attractive to potential buyers? 1 word. QUANTITY. We order our watch parts, cases, movements, straps, watch hands in large quantity so to get a better price and pass on the savings to our customers. We don’t take any pre orders so all the funding comes internally. Imagine how much it cost to buy 2000 eta movements, 100 tons of german SS steel, 1000 italian leather straps even packaging boxes. All our profits go into ordering more parts for our next models. So there’s no year end dividends, just a lot of inventory piled up. Silly strategy our accountants tell us, but we believe in our brand and hopefully it will pay off.

Things are picking up, we work around the clock , 7 day weeks. We have more orders than watches to sell. So that’s a good sign. As for the MAYA, it is our most expensive model to date, but compared, can anyone find a true German made watch with our specs and 6steel case hardening that works and cost less? If anyone can, I like to know how they do it too.

Anyways I think I’ve spoken too much, hope I don’t come across as too long winded, just like to share some insights of what’s going on behind the scene. Have a good day folks, stay healthy and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Dievas Uhren Technik

Last edited on Sat Nov 23rd, 2013 05:51 am by anders213

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 Posted: Sun Nov 24th, 2013 04:39 pm
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Joined: Thu Apr 16th, 2009
Location: Arctic, Norway
Posts: 5821
Thanks for passing by Anders and being explicit about the role of Dievas in the watch conception.
I personally don´t see what was wrong with the classic "M-I-G" for that the designer would pass on it… His choice.
My personal opinion is that it can be a plus for the marketing.
Quality is there for sure as usual: Great thing!

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 Posted: Thu Nov 28th, 2013 08:15 am
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Joined: Sun Sep 4th, 2005
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good to hear from you Anders and TY for clearing that up my friend!thankyou.gif

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